
Alternating school-work programme: Ecor International Group confirms its support

Ecor International Group supports the alternating school-work programme and develops the relationships with local schools.

Also this summer, the Schio-based company is hosting students from local industrial and technical schools, who can have their first contact with the world of work in the production areas and offices.

The relationship with schools and universities

The relationship between Ecor International Group and the world of education has always been very close, both with high schools and with the most important Italian universities.
Thanks to these relationships, many students can gain experience in the company, as an internship or to develop their thesis, and often their presence in the company turns into a working relationship.
The Group has always shared the value of training students, making them participate in its activities as part of a pathway into the world of work, made up of new discoveries.

The environments of Ecor International and Il Sentiero International Campus are ideal for taking one’s first steps into the world of work, having the opportunity to apply the concepts studied, to put one’s knowledge into practice and to deepen it in various fields.

School-work alternation

Once again, this summer Ecor International Group is supporting the school-work alternation project, hosting a number of students from the area’s technical institutes.
The aim is not only to give the students initial practical training but also to make a concrete contribution to the growth of an entire area, breaking down barriers and distinctions between young people and adults who can learn from each other.

The workplaces of Ecor International and Il Sentiero International Campus become meeting places for young people and adults, where relationships are forged, and the future is planned. In fact, as has already happened, some of the participants in the alternating school-work programme, at the end of their training, have returned to the company to begin their own career path, being hired by the Schio group.

The real goal is the growth of the area, in an extended community where there are no hierarchical barriers and adults, and young people learn from each other. Alternating school-work programme is much more than its name implies: it allows the integration and interconnection of different realities such as school, enterprise, and territory.

The local schools

Every year more than a dozen students participate in alternating school-work programmes, between production and offices.
Many of the students come from industrial and technical institutes or high schools in the northern Vicenza area, such as those in Thiene (Ipsia G. B. Garbin; Itcg Aulo Ceccato; Iti G. Chilesotti; Lc F. Corradini) and Schio (Ipsia G. B. Garbin; Itcg L. e V. Pasini; Iti Silvio De Pretto; Lc Giacomo Zanella; Ls Nicolò Tron).

To provide an opportunity to acquire new skills and put into practice those learned at school, each student is assigned a tutor and is welcomed into a dedicated team to follow a project or office activity.

“Alternating school-work programme is a very useful way because it allows young people to come into contact with the world of work and companies, getting a preview of their future,” says Beatrice Cazzavillan, Ecor International Group’s HR manager. “The school-work alternation is a mutual opportunity, where dreams and needs, enthusiasm and programmes should not clash but merge to plan a possible future”.

Giada, industrial research
Ecor International once again gives it support to strengthen the relationships with local schools and supports school-work alternation projects.
Nicola, assembly