
“Moral Enterprise”, a book on Ecor International and its founder

impresa morale ecor international
Filiberto Tartaglia, a sociologist and Marketing professor, examines this topic collecting Sergio Lucietto (President of the Company) and Claudio Ronco’s (IRRIV founder) viewpoints.

Can the company be a moral player? Is it possible to understand both its difficulties and the market dynamics by promoting the ethical approach?

The sociologist Filiberto Tartaglia tries to answer these questions by means of its book “Enterprise’s morality, moral enterprise”, published in 2017 by Libreriauniversitaria. The book is an in-depth work that contains also some interviews aimed at exposing the viewpoints of Sergio Lucietto (founder and President of Ecor International), and Claudio Ronco (Director of the Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Renal Transplantation of the San Bortolo Hospital of Vicenza and founder of IRRIV, International Renal Research Institute of Vicenza.

impresa morale Ecor International
The cover of the book by the sociologist Filiberto Tartaglia.

Tartaglia starts analyzing the argument that men, in their economic and non-economic choices, can’t reduce themselves to ideal subjects oriented towards the maximum output with minimum effort. In fact, every individual creates its own ethics, which guides his actions, in an independent way. This is the reason why we have to deal with the theme of market and company dynamics considering the real man, its needs, expectations, desires, emotions and contradictions. Starting from these considerations, Tartaglia describes the philosophical basis of morality and related theories proposing also reflections about social and economic applications of morality.

In this context, the author shares as examples Mr. Lucietto and Mr. Ronco. In fact, also operating in two different domains, Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering Company and Health Research Center, they have a common ground: thanks to their aptitude for the moral enterprise, in their daily choices they usually start from individual stories.

Claudio Ronco e Sergio Lucietto
Claudio Ronco, founder of IRRIV, and Sergio Lucietto, founder and President of Ecor International.

«I certainly feel we share that aptitude of being visionaries, who swim against the tide, in the sense of going beyond how people commonly think and daring to go where not everyone has the ability or courage to push themselves .–explains Sergio Lucietto–. A good entrepreneur and researcher must have this bent because it is the only way to make innovation possible and to discover new possibilities for development, regardless of the field. The courage to dare and risk is the premise for being able to found an organization and above all for giving it a history that will continue through time. If a company does not change in order to adapt to the times, it will die. Ideas, creativity, passion, initiative, and confidence are other key elements I consider fundamental for a good leader, who must be a guide, an example for those who follow him or collaborate with him».

The dialysis room

«What struck me about Ecor Inernational is the spirit with which the team was created and the projects are presented and conducted –adds Ronco–. It is basically the same way we face problems in our research institute. In particular, we start from a need, a necessity that already describes the will to solve a problem, to come up with a solution to a problem that can be technical, human or other and its solution must lead to an improvement in the quality of life, and of social and working conditions. All this generates a concept of project ethics, which goes well beyond the initial defi nition of profit. The two institutes, Ecor International and IRRIV, from my point of view, are parallel as far as the operational purposes are concerned».

ricercatori IRRIV
Researchers and interns of the IRRIV in Vicenza.

The interview highlights also their individual stories, their starting points and life choices, as affirms the author. In fact, Sergio Lucietto explains that the decision to start a company «took shape following a personal path, dictated by the continuous desire to renew myself and find new opportunities for growth and personal achievement».

On the other side, Ronco was led by the desire to «in developing solutions to projects that aimed for patient wellbeing and improving people’s quality of health and the other to improve the relationship between teacher and learner in a mechanism of transmitting knowledge that too often is blocked by bureaucracy».