
A new experience for Erika

Erika Franzon, currently in the Assembly Customer Service Department, tells of her election to the Town Council of Zugliano, in the province of Vicenza.

1, 2, 3, 146, 147 votes! Well, not so many after all: just a handful of ballot papers with my name next to the symbol of my list. And yet, in such a small municipality as mine is, Zugliano, in the Vicenza province, they’re enough to become Town Councillor and set out on a very special service experience, by no means ordinary.

If, in certain respects, this appointment comes quite unexpected, it actually seems to me the natural continuation to my studies, experiences, life, which started many years ago.

In 2006 I attained a secondary school diploma in Classical Studies. Due to an interest in socio-political and economic matters, I afterwards chose a four-year degree course in International  Science and Diplomatic Relations, and, at the same time, to devote to voluntary work experiences. Particularly, I joined the Italian Red Cross Association and took part to two humanitarian missions in Sicily and Lampedusa in 2011, to help out with several refugees waves of landings. I then completed my education and attended a year of Voluntary Service in the shanty town of Lima, in Peru. When I came back from South America in 2012, I really wished to picture out how to make blossom out and give back what I had learnt and received.

It was a strong and deep desire and when, on the eve of the last local elections, a fellow citizen and old friend of mine asked me to join the non-party list named “Uniti per Zugliano”, I sensed that that could be a valuable opportunity to fulfil my aspirations. I was fascinated above all by the people who were already in the list and by their ideas on how to work for the common good. I, therefore, decided to join.

From march to may last year we prepared for the election debate. We met and listened to our fellow citizens, driven by a strong will not to draw up an electoral program made up of mottos and catchphrases, but one that met the real needs of the people and of  the territory.

1, 2, 3, 2043, 2044 votes: the voters had faith in us!

On June 14th, 2014, when the new town major Mr Sandro Maculan solemnly swore to comply with the Italian Republic Constitution, I was sitting among the desks of the Council Chamber in the town Hall of Zugliano. And now, how to turn words into deeds?

As a councillor, I’m taking part to the works of the Commissione Statuto e Regolamenti (Statute and Bylaws Committee) and of the Electoral Committee. I’m also in charge of Youth Policies. This is perhaps the most interesting and challenging field. It crosses all other areas of interest (Social, Cultural, Education and even Public Works, in that we intend to create and develop meeting centres for the young). And it might, above all, be on Youth Policies that many of the ideas underlying our program can be put into effect.

I’m currently cooperating with the Councillor for Social Policies to start up a project intended for the town teenagers, to put forward some entertaining and educational proposals to them. Among the ideas that our list is pushing forward lies the strong believe that human, civil and professional growth of the young passes through voluntary experience, particularly for the youngest. We therefore intend to promote the value of joint responsibility by pushing the young and, in general, all citizens to rise to the occasion. We are making our first steps to set up a Voluntary Work Committee.

The mandate has just begun and more than 4-year work and challenges to cope with lie ahead. I sometimes have the feeling I don’t know where to start from in order to answer effectively all the  small and big questions I’m asked. However, I feel particularly reassured by the people next to me, who have decided to commit to the common good. It is in this spirit we intend to manage and pursue the goals we’ve set and that are asked by the community.
