
Helping children with learning disabilities

Ecor Research supports the project of the Foundation “I Bambini delle Fate” started from ULSS 4 Alto Vicentino.

Helping children with specific learning difficulties in the first three years of primary school thanks to a rehabilitation program that encourages the inclusion in school and in society.

This is the aim of the project “Specific Learning Disorders” started at the Complex Operative Unit of Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Developmental Age Rehabilitation of Ulss 4 Alto Vicentino.

Ecor Research supports this project, along with other companies in the area, through the Foundation “I Bambini delle Fate”, a no-profit association that helps children with autism and disabilities.

The specific learning difficulties of children constitute a significant problem, given the incidence of 4% of the population, creating troubles in secondary school, with can compromise their school career, personality development and a balanced social adaptation.

A specialized team of psychologists and speech therapists has given specific tests regarding reading, writing and some questionnaires to 84 children with the aim of investigating their self-esteem and other psychological variables. In addition to this, specialists have started a speech therapy and finally gave patients a control test to assess the changes to the disorder.

The project will continue in 2015 with the support of 64 children.